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The Benefits of Power Training for Adults Over 40: Unleash the Strength Within

Photo of a man squat jumping
Squat Jump

Training for power, as opposed to just training for strength, adds a time element. Think of power training as high-speed strength. Power training focuses on the speed of the weight lifted compared to strength training where you focus on the amount lifted.

This is especially important for athletes, but it’s also important as we get older, too.

As we journey through life, our bodies undergo a series of changes. One significant transition many of us encounter is reaching the ripe age of 40 and beyond. Now, some might see this milestone as a signal to slow down and take it easy, but hold onto your kettlebells because I'm here to tell you why embracing power training could be your ticket to thriving in your 40s and beyond!

Picture this: You're in your 40s, feeling pretty good, hitting the gym regularly, maybe even throwing around some weights. But suddenly, you notice something's missing. You're strong, sure, but there's a spark, a burst of energy that seems to be fading away. Enter power training – the secret sauce to reigniting that spark and taking your fitness journey to new heights.

So, what exactly is power training, you ask?

Well, think of it as the dynamic duo to strength training's Batman. While strength training focuses on building muscle mass and raw strength, power training kicks things up a notch by honing in on explosive movements that require both strength and speed. We're talking jumps, sprints, medicine ball throws – exercises that demand your muscles to fire up quickly and efficiently.

Here’s why and how we should train for power as we age.

Why Train for Power Over 40?

As we age, our nervous system becomes progressively worse. It’s unfortunate, but it inevitably happens. This reduces abilities like power output, reaction time, balance, and injury prevention. We actually lose power output and reaction time twice as fast as strength.

Over a long period of time, we might still be very strong but very slow moving. This is especially significant because there will be times when we need to move and react quickly. If no one ever trained for power, then we would all be in a lot of trouble. Below are some common situations where reaction time is important as we age.

Quick Reaction Situations:

● Driving – avoiding an accident

● Falling – avoiding an injury

● Landing – after a jump, fall, change of direction

● Change of Direction – sports and performance (ex: Pickleball, Golf, Tennis)

Benefits of Training For Power Over 40:

As you can see, there are many practical reasons why we should continue to power train. The benefits you’ll see from power training include:

● Reducing power losses over time

● Reducing injury

● Improving reaction time

● Better agility

● Better balance

● Improving coordination

● Increasing bone mass (especially important for women)

Try these power training exercises!

●Ball Slams

●Ball Throws

●Small Jumps

●Small Landing Exercise

●Ladder Drills

●Changing Direction drill (cone drills)

If you need help implementing some of these exercises into your workout routine, please feel free to ask me about options that will be right for you!

Protein Power Balls

Photo of protein power balls
Protein Power Balls

I’m always on the lookout for quick, on-the-go, protein snacks to enjoy after my workouts, and today I have a new one for you to try.

It’s important to fuel tired muscles and refill energy stores after exercise, and while there are plenty of protein bars on the market, making your own protein snacks using wholesome ingredients will help keep you on track with your nutrition and increase fat burn.

Whip up a batch of these tasty morsels to power you through the coming week…

What you need

Servings: 30

1/2 cup natural peanut butter or almond butter

2 Tablespoons coconut palm sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup flaxseed meal

1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

1 tablespoon Lily’s stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips

¼ cup rolled oats

1/2 cup protein powder of choice

¼ cup coconut milk


1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix until fully combined. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.

2. Form the chilled dough into 30 balls. Store in the freezer, then pack in ziplock bags for on-the-go power snacking.



One serving equals:

69 calories

4g fat

3g carbohydrate

1g sugar

41mg sodium

1g fiber

7g protein.



Resistance training is an important part of a complete exercise regimen. Consuming the appropriate amount and type of protein to maintain and build muscle is just as important.

What is Protein?

In the human body, proteins are a part of every cell and tissue, including our muscle. Our bodies are constantly recycling proteins on a daily basis. The proteins that we eat in our diet can be used to replace broken down proteins in order to maintain balance.



Coach JB

Owner/Lead Coach

6 Fitness and Nutrition

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