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Focus on Health, Not Weight: The New Approach to Wellness

A photo of a weight scale in a trash can
Weight scale in trash can

How would you like to get rid of your bathroom scale?

To never again subject yourself to the angst and humiliation of stepping on and waiting for the number-that-will-determine-your-self-esteem to light up the screen.

Sounds awesome, right?!

It’s been ingrained in us from an early age to worry about our weight, however today I’d like to show you how the number on your bathroom scale is an unreliable measurement of your progress that should really be thrown out the window.

Focus on Health. Not Weight

Bathroom scales are unreliable.

Take that number with a grain of salt. Your typical bathroom scale is a digital gadget with serious limitations, attempting to measure your gravitational force.

Digital scales must be recalibrated after every move. This means that if you pick up your scale and the place it down again you must press on the scale for a reading, wait for the numbers to clear, and then proceed with weighing yourself. Most people miss this step and end up with inaccurate readings.

Digital scales must be placed on a hard, flat surface. Since the reading is coming from gravitational force, the slightest inconsistency with the weight distribution into the floor could skew the reading.

Accurate scales only tell part of the story.

Phot Of a Balance Beam Scale
Balance Beam Scale

At the doctor’s office you’ll encounter the more accurate balance beam scale. This scale directly compares your weight (gravitational force) to counterweights. The readings from balance beam scales are more consistent and accurate than digital scales.


Even an accurate reading of your weight only tells part of the story. Your weight (gravitational force) naturally fluctuates throughout every day due to in the intake and excretion of fluids and food.

A pound gained from drinking a large glass of water has no distinction from a pound gained as a result of fat storage on your body when measured on a balance beam scale. However, these two weight sources will lead to two very different bodies!

Body composition is what you’re after

Phot of a woman taking her body composition measurements
Body Composition

Your body is composed of three things: fat, lean mass and water. An attractive, fit body is composed of a low amount of fat, ample lean mass, and healthy water levels. When you walk into the gym and tell me that you want to lose weight, what you’re really telling me is that you want to lower your percentage of body fat.

When you begin the process of fat loss, the initial drop that you see on your scale is mostly water weight. This happens as your controlled diet empties out stored energy that releases the water that is held with it.

This initial drop in weight makes you feel good…

Until you get back on the scale the following week to see that your weight has barely even budged. This normal ebb and flow of body transformation nearly always brings discouragement. You feel like somehow you’re failing since that initial weight loss has now slowed to a crawl.

What’s crazy about the psychological mind game that the scale plays is that during the third week of a body transformation, when the scale shows the least impressive change, your body composition is actually cranking up to very impressive levels. So while you saw half a pound lost on the scale, behind the scenes you lost three pounds of fat.

Remember that all weight is not bad. What you don’t like to see and feel on your body is fat.

As noted above, fat is not the only thing measured by your weight. Those lean muscles that you want to have will bring up the number on your scale, but as long as fat is converting to lean mass, the result is a stunning body transformation.

Pictures are more powerful than numbers!

A photo of a woman's Body Transformation
Body Transformation

It’s possible to measure your body fat levels using different tools. These readings will give you a clearer picture of what is taking place beneath your skin, as your body composition shifts to a lower percentage of body fat.

However, pictures are what I have found to be the most powerful measure of body transformation.

A picture is truly worth a thousand body composition number readings!

When you see two images of yourself, side-by-side, and your eyes take in the differences in the shape and appearance of your arms, legs and stomach it is truly a magical moment; a moment when you understand how silly the number on the scale really is in the face of your undeniable, stunning body transformation.

If you’re ready to focus on health, not weight and begin your own stunning body transformation, with the goal of lowering your body fat, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to get you into the most spectacular shape of your life!

Call or email me today.

Let’s do this!

Out With The Junk

Today is a great day for going through your kitchen and removing any and all junk food. If you don’t have junk food in the kitchen then you won’t eat it! Instead stock your fridge with healthy and vibrant whole foods that will support your fitness goals and your health.

Guilt-Free Fettuccine Alfredo

Photo of Guilt-Free Fettuccine Alfredo
Guilt-Free Fettuccine Alfredo

Anyone who has ever given up refined carbs in pursuit of fat loss understands what it feels like to crave a bowl of pasta.

And as much as you LOVE that salad and that dessert protein shake, once in a while, your craving for pasta is going to become too strong to control. 

That’s when this Fitness Fettuccine Alfredo rides in for the rescue! 

It’s creamy, dreamy, and oh-so-delicious...all while packing only 20% of the calories of classic fettuccine alfredo. 


The classic pasta dish contains 1,200 calories and 100 grams of carbs!! This fitness version contains less than 250 calories and 15 grams of carbs. 

So go ahead, indulge in a creamy bowl of Fitness Fettuccine Alfredo with zero guilt!

Servings: 6

1 cup raw cashews

1 cup almond milk

2 tablespoons olive oil​

1 tablespoon garlic, minced

1 shallot, minced

1 tablespoon coconut flour

​½ cup veggie broth

1 can (13.66oz) coconut milk

1 teaspoon sea salt¼ cup nutritional yeast

2 cans (8oz) Palmini (hearts of palm noodles) drained and rinsed

1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced

1 pinch fresh ground pepper​**optional** parmesan cheese to garnish


1. Place the cashews in a small saucepan. Fill with water to fully cover the cashews. Place over medium-low heat and bring to a boil. Drain the cashews and blend in a food processor with the almond milk. Set aside.

2. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the olive oil, garlic and shallot. Sauté for 3 minutes. Sprinkle with the coconut flour. Sauté for another 3 minutes, until the flour becomes golden.

3. Mix in the broth, cashew mixture, coconut milk and sea salt. Bring the mixture to a simmer and mix in the nutritional yeast. Mix until creamy and smooth.

4. Drain and rinse the Palmini noodles. Stir into the sauce. Once the noodles are warmed, remove from heat.

Garnish with fresh parsley, ground pepper and (optional!) some fresh grated Parmesan cheese.



One serving equals:

242 calories

18g fat

14g carbohydrate

5g fiber

1g sugar

10g protein.

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Mama Shots Photography

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