We are very proud to announce our new Coaches to the 6 Fitness team! Coach Anthony and Coach Phillip will be your new Small Group Personal Training Program. Take a few minutes and get to both of these great coaches!
"Hey, I’m Coach Anthony Barber!”

I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer with 12+ years of experience in the fitness and martial arts industry. I am a results oriented and adaptable coach with a passion to maximize my clients' performance, improve endurance, and increase overall well-being
I enjoy all forms of fitness training, but my love is with multiple forms of martial arts and boxing.
I hope to see everyone at the gym some time, feel free to come say hello!"
Here are a few words from Coach Phillip Woods...

“Hi, I'm Phillip! I am one of the new faces around the place, and I'm really excited to be part of the 6 Fitness team.
I have my Bachelor Of Science degree in Exercise Science and my Maser Of Science degree in Sports Performance.
I've spent a lot of time in gyms as a sports performance coach, as well as a strength and conditioning coach for various universities, but made the jump into fitness coaching as a career.
I'm passionate about physical skill development across multiple modalities, so I am also pursuing a career in the physical therapy field.
Let’s give Phillip a warm welcome!
Coach Anthony and Coach Phillip will be kicking our 30-Day Results In Advance Small Group Training Program on April 10th, and spots will be limited so if you want in you have to act NOW!
With the 6 Fitness 30-day Results In Advance Program, we’re giving our very best so you can see we already help coach, guide, support and challenge you to results before you make a commitment and you can also experience how it’s like to part of the 6 Fitness and Nutrition Fam.
· A Fitness and Nutrition Success Blueprint Strategy Session
· 4x Semi-Private Personal Training Sessions
· 12x Small Group Personal Training Sessions
· Individualized Nutrition Coaching
· Accountability Coaching Software
· April 10th – May 12th
· Monday/Wednesday/Friday – 7am, 11am OR 7pm
We give an unconditional money back guarantee on our 30-days, which means if you feel you didn’t get the value from our coaching, let us know and we’ll refund every penny no questions asked (well kinda, we’ll ask what we can improve so we can make it better). No tricks and funny business or “oh by the way” paperwork to fill out. We’ll put our money where our mouth is and want you to have full coaching experience and results before you make a decision to move forward with us. It’s that simple.
Just click the link below to get registered today!